Edit Product

If you want to edit a product, select the necessary one, and open it. Then press the button for editing.

Note: Depending on the type of product you want to edit, main tabs in the edit form will differ.

Product with Combinations Editing

For the Product with combination, there will be available four tabs: Basic, Combinations, Shipping, and SEO.


In the Basic tab, there are the following options for editing:

  • Add, edit, or delete an image

Tap the button to take a photo or choose an image from the gallety.

Select an image for the cover and specify its caption. Press [Apply] to save your entry.

  • Online/Offline - enable the necessary status of a product.
  • Product name
  • Reference
  • Quantity (based on combinations)

Press the button for editing opposite this field to open the "Quantity settings" edit form. There you can specify the following:

    • Quantities:
      • Quantity
      • Min. quantity for sale
    • Stock:
      • Stock location
      • Low stock level
      • The check-box "Send me an email"
      • "Associated file" - Activate to a add a file
    • Availability preferences:
        • Select "Behaviour when out of stock" from the drop-down list: "Deny orders", "Allow orders", "Use default behavior (Deny orders)"
        • Label when in stock
  • Price

Press the button for editing opposite this field to open the "Pricing settings" edit form. There you can specify the following:

    • Retail price:
      • Price (tax excl.)
      • Select the necessary tax from the drop-down list
      • "On Sale!" - select this check-box to display the flag on the product page and on products list.
      • Price per unit (tax excl.)
      • Per kilo, per litre
    • Cost price
      • Cost price (tax excl.)
    • Add specific price

You can add many specific prices for the product, they will be available in the list that can be edited too.

    • Priority management

Select the necessary options from the drop-down lists as shown in the ilustration on the right:

  • Short description

After you've entered the short description, you can preview it by pressing the corresponding button.

  • Description

After you've entered the description, you can preview it by pressing the corresponding button.

  • Categories
  • Brand
  • Features
  • Add related product
  • Options


1. Tap to see customization fields list.

2. Tap the button to add a new field or tap the existing field to edit it.

3. Fill in the form to add a field.

Attached files

1. Tap to see the list of attached files.

2. Tap the button to add a new file or tap the existing file to edit it.

3. Fill in the form for editing.


On this tab, there is a list of available combinations.

1. Tap the button to open Combinations generator

2. Select the necessary options and tap the button to see more details.

3. In this form, you will see all selected attributes, and edit or delete them.


In this tab you should specify the following information:

  • Package dimension - its width, height, depth, and weight
  • Delivery time
  • Shipping fees
  • Available carriers


In this tab you can indicate how your product page will appear in search engines results. You shoud specify the following:

  • Meta title
  • Meta description
  • Friendly URL - you can specify it manually, or it can be generated automatically.

Pack of Products Editing

For the Pack of Product, there will be available tabs: .