Bottom Navigation

At the bottom of the app, there are the following options.

  • Dashboard - Provides you with information relevant to statistics on orders, products, and customers visualized in diagrams and lists. There is also the possibility to filter data by a period and order statuses.
  • Orders - This is the screen with the list of orders.

There, you can sort your orders by “Date created”, “Customer name”, “Total” and “Products quantity”. Also, you can use the filter to see orders with selected order statuses (see the illustrations below).

  • Customers - Tap this bottom menu item to see the list of customers.

You can search customers and sort them by "Date created", "Customer name", and "Orders count." Also, there is the possibility to use a "Customers filter" where you should select between two options: “All” and “Who made orders.”

  • Products - On this screen, you should see the list of products at your store.

At the top of the screen, there are the search option and the filter. The last one allows you to sort your products by "Name", "Quantity", "Price", or "Status."

  • Abandoned carts - On this screen, you should see the list of abandoned carts at your store.

You can also filter the abandoned carts by the time period. For this, you should select the necessary one from the list of periods, as shown in the illustration below.